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Buying land in Belarus

On this page we will tell you how to buy land in Belarus by legal personality

At the moment, the legislation of the Republic of Belarus provides for two ways of purchasing land by a legal person: by conducting an auction and without it

Without auction

A legal entity (company) can purchase land in Belarus without conducting an auction if it owns buildings located on this land, as well as in other cases provided for by the legislation of Belarus

After the purchase of the land, the legal person may sell it, Exchange it to the lands of other legal persons, lease it and provide it as insurance of obligations under the loan agreement with the bank


If a legal entity owns buildings and wants to purchase the land on which these buildings are located, it must submit the following papers to the local Executive Committee



- A copy of the documents certifying the right to dispose of the land and buildings located on it 

- A copy of the charter and certificate of registration of legal personality 

- A document indicating the financial sources for the purchase of land 

- It should be noted that a one-person company may not own land 

By conducting the auction

After the publication of information about the land area, the purpose of its use, its Cadastral number, boundaries, address in the decision of the local Executive Committee on the offer of land for auction, the date and terms of the auction are determined


The way of conducting the auction

The decision on the conduct of the auction is made by the local Executive Committee. Then the notice of the auction procedure is published, which includes information about the type of auction, the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the auction, the date, time and place of the auction, as well as all information about the land for sale at the auction. The notice is placed in the print media established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus at least 30 days before the auction date. This information is published on the official websites of local executive committees as well as in other media.



Documents required to participate in the auction

- Request to participate in the auction 

- Certificate of registration of legal personality and documents confirming the authority of its representative 

- A document confirming the provision of the deposit amount indicated in the notice 


After the auction, the deposit amount will be returned to the participants (except the winner) within 5 working days from the date of the auction


A legal person is obliged to conclude an agreement with the local Executive Committee on the rights, duties and responsibility of the parties in the process of preparing and conducting the auction




A prerequisite for conducting the auction is the presence of (2) or more participants. Otherwise, the contract is concluded with the sole participant of this auction

The person with the highest bid is the auction winner



Duties of the auction winner

Payment of the price of the subject of the auction (or part of the price - in case the opportunity to pay by division is provided by the local executive comites);

Compensation of the local Executive Committee for the expenses of organizing and conducting the auction

Meet the conditions stipulated by the decision of the local Executive Committee


The winner must meet the above conditions within 10 working days from the date of publication of the announcement of the results of the auction, but before submitting an application for registration of land in government committees

Information about the purchase of real estate and land by a legal entity

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