Instagram: UllaBel.belarus    +375333014177

The city of Brest and Belovezha forest

We suggest a two-day excursion to the Belovezha forest and the city of Brest.

You will visit one of the most beautiful places in Belarus, which is the Belovezha National Park and forest reserve, where the largest animals in Europe live - the bison.

One of the oldest and most beautiful Belarusian cities is Brest.

The first day:

- Excursion to the Belovezha forest;
- A trip in the forest, a trip to the headquarters of Santa Claus, a trip in the aviary of Belarusian animals;
- Rest in the hotel in the forest;


For the second day:
- After breakfast, drive to the city of Brest from the forest;
- A visit to the Brest Fortress, an excursion in the air-filled museum - "Brest Fortress-hero", a visit to the War Museum;
- Lunch on the main street;
- Getting to know the city;
- Return to Minsk.